
                                               Process Paper

Annotated Bibliography

Process Paper


How Martin Luther Broke The Barriers of Religion

Martin Luther

Protestant Religions

How We Chose Our Topic:

Originally when we were brainstorming all we wanted was a unique topic.  So since we figured most people would pick topics like the Berlin Wall, or the Women or African American rights movements, we started looking for more uncommon ideas.  A couple days passed and we still had nothing. Then we went back to our world history lessons from the year before, and remembered Martin Luther. So after a few days of brainstorming our thesis, we came to how Martin Luther broke the barriers of Catholisim in Europe.

How We Conducted Our Research:

We conducted our research by first using the internet to collect reliable sources.  Then we turned to our school library for help. We checked out The 100 Most Influential World Leaders of All Time by Amy McKenna and Martin Luther by Sally Stepnaek.  And after going to the library, we also loaned a textbook from one of our 7th grade teachers that had information on The Reformation. After we had our sources, we started to split up the sections we wanted to add into our website. We decided on Martin Luther and Protestant Religions as the two categories we were going to work on. Once we had a rough draft of our work in Google Sites, we moved on to NHDWebCentral to create our official website. We met after school multiple times, and worked on the project while talking over FaceTime so we could communicate properly while we made our revisions to the website. Finally, we had a finished product.

How We Selected our Presentation Category and Created Our Project:

We selected a website for our presentation category. With two of us working on the project together, we figured that it would be hard to both find time to work on plays or poster boards after school. Especially since we both have busy schedules. But with a website, either of us can access it at any time. To create our project, we needed to decide on subject. We broke our topic down into two categories: Martin Luther and Protestan Religions. We then spent time finding resources that were credible, and starting our research. We even got our history textbook from last year because it has a whole chapter on The Reformation. Multiple times we would meet together after school or work while talking over FaceTime to catch each other up on what we had done for the project. The website was a good project choice for us because it fit in with our schedules.

How Our Topic Relates To The Theme:

Martin Luther was bold enough to break the barriers that the Catholic Church had placed upon Europe over time.  He opened the floodgates to new possibilities for the Christian religion. Without Martin Luther, the Catholic Church might still be in power in Europe. And the very foundation of religion we have today wouldn’t be here. Martin Luther broke free of the Catholic Church's mindset, and changed the world forever.